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手天道的第二歩・Hand-fairy method’s Step-2



An overview of Sadorihi


(Sadorihi=Physique expression in Hand-fairies)

Height and Weight


・The height is operated at the location of the wrist.


・When the third joint of the index finger is bent deeply, the physique will be the person who gained weight.


・When I have the third joint of the index finger straight, it'll be a slim person.


・Its middle is a muscular person.


・When you grasp hand gently, it'll be fattened Hand-fairy.


・When you put the emphasis and grasp hand, it'll be muscular Hand-fairy.


・The head's person who warped to the back can express, too.

slim person​
muscular person​
fat person​
warp behind the head​
​手天道衛教・自分神話研究会 Hand-fairy method EI-kyou Association to the myth of the personal history
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