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手天道的第八歩・Hand-fairy method’s Step-8


The innermost secret of Hand-fairy method’s

除非你練習「手天道」,否則你不能成為服務「衛教」的人。因此,我將在這裡描述「手天道」的重要性。一般地説,關於由「手天道」的相撲和柔道,與右手跟左手相接著。比賽的性質上,「右手天」弄倒也好動「左手天」,再「左手天」弄倒也好動「右手天」。正確地説、這是大腦的動作、左腦正試圖嬴得右手、又右腦正試圖嬴得左手。双方的脑互相优势地打算竖立的瞬間,从微妙的压力的变化,力量的角度,距离等一边陆续放出积极地新的技能。已經一方瞬間察覺那個行動對防禦努力,不過偶爾不防禦斷,已經不行這樣的瞬間來。這個情況,勝者的「手天」的腦感到喜悅,敗者的「手天」的腦是感到懊悔吧。可是, 是漂亮的決定勝負的一著的情況,稱讚那個比賽本身,在記憶上剩下非常重要的這樣的事。在總之左右的腦互相獲得優勢性的遊戲中快感被積蓄。

When you can't practice Hand-fairy method, you aren't Apostle. So the innermost secret of Hand-fairy method is described here. In case of sumo wrestling and judo by Hand-fairy method , You touch a right hand and a left hand. On the nature of the play and the right side move also in order to knock down a left hand and also you move in order for a left hand to knock down a right hand. This is your cerebral action correctly, and a left brain is going to make a right hand win, and a right brain is going to make a left hand win. While your right brain and left brain try to rise predominantly each other, a fellow attacks newly aggressively from the angle of the change and the power and the distance of the subtle pressure. A receiver senses the behavior in an instant and makes an effort toward defense. But receiver can't sometimes finish defending and there is a case that an effective stroke is received. Winner's hand-fairy'brain feels delight all usually in this case. Loser's hand-fairy'brain will be to feel the chagrin. But the most important one, facts are the following contents. When it was the very admirable winning trick, that's the case that the moment of the play is being praised and left for a memory. In other words, a pleasant sensation is being accumulated in the game by which a brain in left and right gets advantage each other.


Next when a ball game uses a tool, it's more impressive. For example everyone throws wastepaper in a trash can. I'll regard this as a chute of basketball of hand-fairy. You conjecture the distance to the trash can and the angle by the brain. When having that, trash enters.When having that, trash doesn't enter. The most fun game is baseball. A pitcher behaves in order to fell a batter. A batter want batting. But the brain in left and right is connected in corpus callosum. Pitcher's idea is exposed in an instant. One during 1 second of this pitch doesn't go to your concerned street. Actuality as the probability that this game has it is there. This is the delicious taste of this game.


These left and right, the game by which both brains try to get advantage in each. And the game a probability has. If you could sense the individuality of each hand - fairy sufficiently finally. Your hand-fairy world has been completed. You do the practice into which even identical Sadorihi and Inzou divide each hand - fairy, please.

​手天道衛教・自分神話研究会   Hand-fairy method EI-kyou Association to the myth of the personal history
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