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手天道的第七歩・Hand-fairy method’s Step-7



・You'll make a right hand Gampekisan first.


Ganpekisan is Shinshou. Ganpekisan is representative Hand of your right hand- fairy.



・Next you'll make a left hand Houraisan.


Houraisan is Shinshou. Houraisan is representative Hand of your left hand- fairy.


First please play by both hands sufficiently.


When your progenitor was a boxer, you'll play shadowboxing.


When your ancestor is a swimming player, you'll swim by hand-fairy.



A baseball player and a basketball player will reproduce characteristic movement by hand-fairy.



You'll repeat hand-fairy method until the character of the target is felt enough.



By occasionally Shinsyou,Hontou,Syougo,Kenzoku, Please enjoy the hand-fairy's world until you were satisfied.



※At this moment. All your myths start from here. Your both hands will be the guardian of you.



・And you'll make your dominant arm your own Hand-fairy. According to your body style.




・You can make God-generals with the god in which you believe. It's possible of you to ask the God-generals for help. Even if you aren't in a church. Even if there are no josses by which you're a god around here. Anytime, everywhere.



・If a darling person is your viewpoint, how is it done? You can hear in Pedigree-fairies. Even if you won't visit the grave. Even when there are no pictures of the family who passed away in your hand. Anytime, everywhere.



・You can make the attracted player Longing-fairies. You can imitate the movement. You can copy the hero. Anytime, everywhere.



・It's possible to create Self-created-fairies made an ideal by oneself. Faithful to your imagination. Faithful to your ideal.




※ Hand-fairy can do everything. He can think, play baseball, wrestle and play basketball, etc. That a person does by the upper part of body, everything. Please enjoy movement and a dialogue for a while. You decide up to the limit of about 1 year, please. You can make up your mind whether makes a myth with a regulation of Ei-kyou.




※One year later, you can make the history your myth who could master Hand-fairy method.


※Please join as acquirer to Hand-fairy method's Step-8.

Houraisan is Katouda-style Sadorihi
Ganpekisan is Saboji-style Sadorihi
​手天道衛教・自分神話研究会   Hand-fairy method EI-kyou Association to the myth of the personal history
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